Interactive Maps and Graphs

Social Progress of the People vs. Economic progress of the people

The following two graphs demonstrate either the social or economic gap that each country in the AMENA region represent. It must be noted that the countries are only compared to countries within the AMENA region and do not represent global trends. Data is from 2014, gaps were filled with data from no earlier than 2012.

A more negative number represents more social progress within the country compared to their relative economic progress and vice versa.  This is defined by an aggregated rank of social data subtracted by an aggregate rank of economic data. The social aggregate is composed by a weighted average of ranked data on Life expectancy (1), adult literacy (2), youth literacy (3), youth female literacy (4) and  gross enrollment ratio [tertiary education (5).] The economic aggregate is composed by a weighted average of ranked data on total employment (6), under employment (7), unemployment [tertiary educated graduates(8),]  youth unemployment(9), female unemployment(10), Braindrain(11), competitiveness ranking(12), and % change in GDP(13).

Enrollment Ratio

Tertiary Enrollment ratio is the percentage of college aged students enrolled within college/technical school. If there is a low enrollment ratio, then most college aged students aren’t enrolled in tertiary education. The gross enrolment ratio can be greater than 100% as a result of grade repetition and entry at ages younger or older than the typical age at that grade level.